Adventures of s/v WILD HAIR


Our land life took on form, solidity, routine. We had mastery of a limited set of skills. We had habitual expectations of others and ourselves. Going sailing, we let go of our attachments to our roles, views, and rituals. We persist because we are growing in this shapeless and dynamic world.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Adventures of Wild Hair

Join Dave and Heather as we travel. These blog updates give you

  • a flavor of our experiences working in Uganda for 5 weeks (September and October)

  • an update on the house beast: what we did this past summer

  • an introduction to our new life aboard sailing vessel Wild Hair

Currently, we and the boat are docked at one of Georgia's outter islands: St. Simons. We're adding new sails and toys to the boat to increase safety, speed, and comfort. The islands of the Bahamas are our winter destination.

If escape to a desserted tropical island sounds good to you, then come join us! Give us a call or email and let us know when you'd like to visit. There are a number of options regarding accommodations and iteneraries.

Take the plunge! We'd love to see you.

1 comment:

Andi said...

I read this word for word! I am so darn happy for the 2 of you. I just mailed you a thank you letter to WI a couple days ago but I doubt it will be forwarded to "somewhere out there". You are so doing the right thing and how fortunate that you can do it and do it together. You are living life at the fullest and helping others along the way. I wish you only happiness and I will continue to follow your adventures. YES!!! Follow your hearts and your dreams! Love, Andi